Red Hot Peek A Boo Babydoll
Red Hot Peek A Boo Babydoll
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
This fit great. I'm a 38 D and this fit great, yes the nipples peek but that's always fun. The thing it comes with is on the smaller size so I probably won't be wearing those. I'm 5'2 and it standing up straight it did cover my down under lol. - hope that was helpful to some ladies.
Anonymous - 12/10/2017
I loved the outfit I ordered for my wife. It was very sexy she was so hott in it. I had to slow myself down so I wouldn't get off to quick. Plus the gifts we got was like a cherry on top. I was lucky to get them tho because I was a few cents short from making the minimum amount. Buy A&E made it good and sent it to me anyway even tho it was my mistake. I will be ordering more very soon.
Shaun - 5/16/2018
Wife not too keen on the thong, but the nighty is very nice. It fits my wife perfectly and looks even better. Her DDs fill it out nicely, so I’d stay away if you’re not voluptuous. Very sexy from front and back. Many good nights coming!!
Alive and still kicking - 2/17/2018
This was a perfect fit and definitely sent my husband over the edge
Anonymous - 5/10/2018
G/f loved it, I really loved it. Would gladly buy again.
Anonymous - 11/24/2017