Kama Sutra Massage Tranquility Kit
Kama Sutra Massage Tranquility Kit
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Pros: Just the right amount of perfume in the oils great for massage Cons: A little to small bottles i only get 2 massages per bottle
JESUS - 6/18/2017
Nice smells and a lot of uses per bottle. Totally worth the price! Not sticky or bad product. Highly recommend it.
Cupcakes - 9/19/2017
The oils are very smooth on the skin. I like the warming feeling I get from the oils . I have ezema and even with that I didn’t affect my sensitive skin instead it made my ski a little shinny witch was nice .
Jupiter - 1/23/2018
Pros: The different varieties you get Cons: The bottles are small
GILBERT - 5/26/2017
We used it in drawing figures on one another's body.
Anonymous - 11/26/2017