Seduce Pheromone Parfum
people reviewed this product at 5 stars
people reviewed this product at 4 stars
people reviewed this product at 3 stars
people reviewed this product at 2 stars
people reviewed this product at 1 stars
Let me just begin my saying that I only bought this for a free jade vibrator/attachments. My only hope was that it didn’t smell awful. Let me tell you, this stuff smells AMAZING and lasts for hours. I’ve gotten so many compliments it’s unreal. I will buy this at full price a thousand times over!
aLITTLEstitious - 8/18/2019
I absolutely love the smell and it really works on your partner(s). Would highly recommend it, you’re partner will be all over you when you wear this
Sexxy**lady - 4/5/2020
Wears all day and the scent never fades
Rose - 3/15/2020
I love it,. But what I love more is how my partner can't resist me.
Guapa18 - 8/26/2020
I love how it smells & get compliments all the time about it.
Jess1984 - 5/4/2021